This is a project for my drawing class that asked us to give a tonal drawing of a shoe at 3 different angles. 
My initial sketch turned out what appears to be a hiking boot for toddlers. The proportions and blocky outlines where the thread goes really give it that look.
The follow-up drawing wielded results that I was a little more content with.
I decided to try doing what the teacher said another student had done, and that was to use conte to colour the page so that I had a more neutral ground to work on and could use white to bring some things out more.
Quite honestly I wasn't able to get the colouration smooth and even like his student had. Furthermore I couldn't bring out as much as I wanted to using this technique, so I feel like I failed a bit there. But it was worth a shot.
Finally, a small photoshoot and some colour correction later and it looks closer to what it does in person. Though with my current setup I couldn't get the glare to go away. Also, drawing fixative is the devil.
Updated with white highlights and a more accurate look at what the colour looks like to me. Also the white was white eyeliner cause my conte is taking forever to show up.
Shoes, but Thrice.

Shoes, but Thrice.


Creative Fields